November 3, 2014

About Us

We know now that we have always been on this journey.  We became aware of the process about three years ago.  We had a religious background, but seemed to be always searching for more in the spiritual realm.  Our pull toward everything in nature grew in intensity.  We become heavily convicted with the idea of protecting our Earth.  The first step was a vegetarian eating plan that aligned with our desire to live more healthily, but maybe to a greater degree in respect to the animals who share our planet.  We experienced a thirst for learning anything having to do with spirituality.  One subject led to another.  But, everything seemed to have a common thread…a universal flow of energy.

We began training in Reiki in December, 2013 and became Reiki Masters in July, 2014.  We instantly felt blessed to be attuned to this powerful, yet gentle, energy.  We witnessed remarkable results with people, animals, and even the tomato plants growing in our garden!  We quickly felt the connection to the energy all around us from the crystals in the ground to the Sun and Moon in the sky.

The loving pull became even stronger when we realized that the universe was drawing us to the mountains.  We spent several months looking for this home.  But, in the summer of 2014, the most wonderful mountaintop home found us!  Without a doubt, this was for us.  It felt like amazingly coming home to the home that we had forgotten!  We have the gift of sitting 3,000 feet up on our quartz filled mountain with spectacular views of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

We continue to be students of everything spiritual.  I have recently completed training to become certified in Elemental Space Clearing and LifeForce Energy Healing.  As we acquire new knowledge, it is amazing to witness the blending of this training into what works best for us. This we feel brings us to an even higher level of energy work.  We are certain that positive energy work brings health and happiness to our bodies, our pets, our homes, and even our businesses.