So Close the Whole Time!

One thing I know for sure…the Universe is always guiding me toward truth and joy.  Another thing I know for sure…I miss many of these tremendous lessons because I easily get distracted by far less important life events.

About a year ago, my husband set up this website for me.  Although I was excited for this opportunity and extremely grateful to my husband, having my own website was well outside my comfort zone.

I really wanted to post my thoughts in a blog.  I even typed up the first one.  After a few clicks and much frustration, I gave up.  I felt completely justified by my long list of very reasonable excuses.

  1. I don’t know enough to do this.
  2. Someone else could do a better job of this.
  3. There are too many other things competing for my time.  I’m too busy.  Maybe this is not the “right” time.
  4. It is silly of me to attempt this anyway.  Will anyone find the website, much less the blog?

Now, fast forward to the present.  We are finally successful.  I have a blog posted and I actually know where it is at.  Sounds like the end of the story, but it’s really just the beginning…what a lesson for me!

I have spent decades using the excuses above while trying to navigate my “space” within this amazing loving universal energy, while trying to understand my place as a spiritual being.  A truer list of excuses may be…

  1. I feel a lack of knowledge.  I should let someone else tell me what to do.  Does that sound a bit like structured religion.
  2. I feel a lack of ownership.  I don’t deserve this.
  3. I feel a lack of commitment.  My physical eyes cannot see beyond my immediate reality.
  4. I feel a lack of confidence.  I am not worthy.

I look back over my life and realize how much I missed just because I took what I thought was the easier route at the time.  Now I can see that the riches of a loving universe were close by all the time.

Thank you, thank you, thank you loving universe for being my ever present guide!